OCTOBER 2024 saw us moving from our home in Pinjarra WA where we have been for more than 20 plus years to our new 100-acre farm in the rolling green hills of Donnybrook WA. Taking a well-earned break from breeding in 2024 saw us move 115 ewes and 23 rams with Kellys livestock services.
These four gorgeous ladies headed to Victoria to start a new program for some Coloured Babydolls
These three adorable Appendix Wethers left for their new home in QLD. Transport by Quick Silver Transport WA
These two chunky ladies also went on the Feb Transport to SA to join three previously sold Tanjar stock. Heading into breeding season for 2024 we look forward to their future lambs.
Christmas 2023
Our 2023 Christmas photos just for fun
Our First X Corriedale Lambs
Our Corriedale breeding program combining the Babydoll Genetics with Purebred Moorit Corriedales has produced a few surprises with multiple White lambs being born. Our best surprise was a Moorit Ram lamb we have retained Tanjar Mr. Zippo he will be used in our future breeding programs with the hope of producing Moorit coloured Babydolls in the future. We have also got a white Ewe lamb with blue eyes another of the many surprises we have had with this breeding program.
Lambing 2023
Lambing finished with a bang with a total of 96 lambs arriving. Many purebred Babydoll lambs, Appendix lambs ,Coloured purebred babydolls and our first Corriedale cross lambs arriving right at the end of the lambing season.
Lambing 2023 Started 21st July with a single ewe lamb arriving STAY TUNED FOR MORE
UPDATE: Our five adorable Quebon Corriedales have passed their quarantine and inspection and have now joined the main flock. They are now registered with AABMGS and have been given names, Rams Quebon Elmo ,Quebon Jonny Walker Red and Ewes Quebon Gee Whiz, Quebon Coaly and Quebon Berri Lass. Here are some updated photos. The ram Quebon Elmo has been bred to a selected number off Babydolls for 2023 lambs Stay Tuned
Stud tour QLD June 2023
A quick getaway to sunny QLD before lambing begins here in WA and we had the great pleasure of meeting up with Johanna Willans from Camare Babydoll Southdown's https://www.facebook.com/people/Camare-Babydoll-Southdown-stud/.and Anthea Wendt from Meraki Babydoll Southdown sheep. Meeting them both plus getting to meet their adorable sheep was the highlight of my holiday. Their dedication to the breed and their future plans to improve wool and the breed in general was wonderful to hear plus we got to see some amazing QLD countryside. Thanks to both studs for allowing us to visit XXxx
These two adorable Appendix ewe left for their new home in NSW. Transport by Dick Smith Transport Dubbo
Tanjar Buddy left for his new home in NSW. Transport by Quicksilver Transport WA
Feb 2023 saw us import 5 coloured sheep from Quebon Stud NSW These sheep will become part of our new adventure into coloured Fleeces and hope to use them with our appendix Babydoll Southdown programs. Improving the wool and adding colour will hopefully increase the wool value as well as making it usable for all things wool related. Transport provided by Quick Silver Transport WA
2023 has started with a Lovely Visit from Sarah and family from Tamarack Springs Vermont USA . Tamarack springs is run By Sarah Ellen, Morgan Delaney with help from Elisa and Emma. They breed the American Babydoll Southdown and Various other Sheep breeds in the beautiful Caledonia Country . It was amazing to learn all about the American Babydoll in particular the differences we have in the ways we manage our Sheep and hearing about their lambing season which is in Feb /Mar was very interesting. Dealing with Brown bears and Coyotes and -30 temperatures are a far cry from our 40 plus Degree heat waves.
Snow photo Poppy Photo credit Tamarack Spring USA Fence photo Momma
TRANSPORT NOV 2022 18 lambs left Tanjar bound for SA, NSW, VIC and QLD with Dick Smith Transport Dubbo.
October saw our first online Sale offering 32 Babydoll Southdown's Purebreds and Appendix Sheep
ABC RADIO INTERVIEW Beards and ugg boots: Meet the babydoll sheep 🐑 | ABC Australia Ellie Honeybone from ABC Southwest came to meet our Babydoll Southdowns and wasnt dissapointed with one of our ewes lambing just the day before Her wonderful interview was posted on ABC RADIOS Across Australia on Tuesday 17th October You can read the article and view the video via the links below
PERTH ROYAL SHOW DISPLAY SEP 2022 Tanjar ewe and her two purebred ewe lambs one white and one black along with our new import Ram were on display in the Tom Wilding pavilion this year in the Heritage section. We had nine of the heritage breeds on display this year.
THE PITTER PATTER OF TINY HOOVES Our AI lambs arrived a week early and from a uptake of ewes it was a great success 22 out of the 27 AI ewes conceived at AI day back in March and produced 39 lambs with multiply sets of triplet's and twins.
THE FIRST LAMBS BORN FROM TANJAR STOCK INTERNATIONALLY Our export to Bejing China in 2020 has resulted in the first lambs to arrive for Mulan Stud. Tanjar Biscuit ASSBA/AABMGS purebred babydoll ewe had a white ewe lamb and Grade A - AABMGS had a Black ram lamb Both sired by Tanjar Eldrick AABMGS Purebred Black.
PURCHASE APRIL 2022 The purchase of two new rams from Minstone Tasmania (registered ASSBA Babydoll) made the long Journey from Scottsdale Tasmania , traveling first on the Spirit of Tasmania boat then arriving at Pages Livestock Melbourne where they were met by Quick Silver transport and brought thru to us here in Pinjarra WA. These two rams will provide new genetics to not only our stud but to WA. They will registered with AABMGS once they turn 12 months old and be used with not only our off white babydolls but with our Coloured breeding ewes.
TRANSPORT APRIL 2022 Six of our 2021 drop lambs headed off with Quick Silver transport to South Australia to new AABMGS stud breeders CALIBRE FARMS
AI Day March 2022 Using stored semen from Roblin 002/09 Off white ASSBA/AABMGS registered ram ALLSTOCK Narrogin team Adrian and Wife Rose successfully implanted 27 of our Babydoll ewes majority of them being from the Appendix breeding program both White and Coloured. Ewes were well into season and the quality of the semen was excellent above the 80% mobility rate ,We are hoping for a successful implant and the arrival of these lambs come end July 2022 . Many will be retained for our breeding programs.
TRANSPORT JAN 2022 Quick Silver transport TAS & QLD Six 2021 drop lambs headed off to TAS & QLD
TRANSPORT NOV & DEC 2021 About 20 lambs left Tanjar bound for VIC, NSW QLD and Tasmanian on two different occasions both times transported with Dick Smith Transport Dubbo.
Our Babydolls were on display at the Serpentine Farm Festival along with another AABMGS breed The HMMS .Great day was had everyone loved the Babydolls and we sold a pair direct from the pens.
Tanjar pair along with a purebred Black ram lamb were on display at the heritage section of the Perth Royal shows sheep pavilion. They were on display for five days alongside the other heritage breeds.
FARMERS WEEKLY STORY JUNE 2021 We were very blessed to have Brooke Littlewood from the WA Farmers Weekly magazine come to our stud and do a writeup on us and the babydolls. Thanks to Brooke for the write up and the photos it was amazing. you can read the story by pasting the below into the google search bar https://www.farmweekly.com.au/story/7309139
Farmers Weekly Photo by Brooke Littlewood
Our first International Sale May 2021 Seven of our home bred sheep Four off white and three coloured Babydolls made the long flight to Beijing China , After rounds of vet checks and only the best of care they touched down in Mongolia and spent 45 days in veterinary care before they finally arrived at their new home in Beijing, MULAN stud. This was a first for us ,a first for the AABMGS Society ,First time a coloured Purebred Babydoll had left Australian shores and possibly the first for the Babydoll Southdown breed. and we couldn't have been more EXCITED, Thanks to everyone involved you guys are the BEST.
Regulin Journey Feb 2021 This year we chose to use the Regulin implants in our ewes . The program was a HUGE success resulting in 162.12% lambing rate with 107 lambs arriving.
Gidgegannup small farm field day 2019 Babydoll sheep display in conjunction with the Mini goats as part of AABMGS Tanjar Whisky and friends had lots of visitors to their pens and took it all in their stride
Kelmscott Show 2019 Heritage Champion of the SHOW🏆 TANJAR Champion Babydoll Southdown ram 2019TANJAR Thanks to the Kelmscott show ag students.
One of our Tanjar Babydoll lambs were chosen for the cover Kelmscott show 2019
Brunswick AG Show 2019 CHAMPION SOUTHDOWN RAM🏆TANJAR 🏆 SUPREME SOUTHDOWN 🏆TANJAR 🏆 Great day with Tanjar Team winning Champion Southdown Ram and overall Champion Southdown beating out all the other sheep we took on the day but the competion was too hot this year with the Royal Show champion Lincoln Ram stealing the show. Well done to all the competitors.
Perth Royal Show Display 2019 Our Babydoll Southdown's have been in the heritage display on view for the public along side the other amazing heritage sheep
Two off our babydoll ewes had their photos was chosen for one of the Farmalogic FB Logos and one off there prize winning posts How cool is it to get a Babydoll being showcased in farming Products !
Babydoll Southdown Sheep Breeders Association & Registry Babydoll Southdown Sheep Fan Club PHOTO SATURDAY ~ PHOTO OF THE WEEK! This is an adorable photo! Sometimes a great photo just happens.
AI PROGRAM 2018 Our 2018 AI program conducted by West breed 29 ewes were Implanted using frozen semen
Championship title achieved with AABMGS 🏆 TANJAR LITTLE SPOT 🏆 Congratulations Tanjar Little Spot gaining enough points to achieve this title He is the first Babydoll to be awarded this great honor Thank you to AABMGS for this Awesome Award
Kelmscott Show 2018 TRADE CLASS 🏆THREE PRIME LAMBS 🏆 Best Exhibit Trade Class 🏆THREE PRIME LAMBS 🏆 Best Exhibit Sheep of Show 🏆THREE PRIME LAMBS 🏆 Winner of Best of Breed 🏆TANJAR 🏆 Champion Southdown Babydoll Ewe 🏆TANJAR 🏆
Perth Royal Show Display 2018 Our Babydoll Southdown's have been in the heritage display on view for the public along side the other amazing heritage breeds This year Tanjar Ewe and her twin ewe lambs were a great hit.
Brunswick Show 2018 Champion Southdown 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 SUPREME CHAMPION EWE 2ND ASSBA SHEEP SHOW 6 Breeds on show Another great win Thanks to The Brunswick show, the sponsors and organizers for an amazing day.
Harvey Ag Show 2018 Champion Ewe of the show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Champion Ram of the show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Supreme Champion(interbreed)🏆 TANJAR🏆 6 Breeds on show 24 Exhibits Huge huge achievement to have the Babydolls finally Winning against the other breeds. Thanks to Harvey Ag show, the sponsors and organizers for such a great Event..
AI PROGRAM 2017 Our 2017 AI program conducted by West breed Results : 13 AI ewes lambed over 5 days 18 lambs, Tanjar 5 sets of twins !! 11 ewes and 7 ram lambs
Semen Collection Genstock Breeding Centre Tanjar Little spot spent two weeks at Genstock breed Centre where they collected over 220 viable doses of Semen. At 6 years old Spot was still very fertile and his semen was classed top of the range.
Kelmscott Show 2017
Champion Babydoll Southdown ram 2017 🏆TANJAR 🏆 Champion Babydoll Southdown ewe 2017 🏆TANJAR🏆 Best of Breed 2017 🏆TANJAR 🏆 Champion Heritage breed sheep of show 🏆SHROPSHIRE EWE 🏆!! Owned and shown by Tanjar TRADE CLASS 🏆Appendix ewe with lamb at foot Tanjar Ewe and lamb🏆 Best Exhibit Trade Class 🏆Tanjar Ewe and lamb🏆
Harvey Ag Show 2017 Champion Southdown Ewe 🏆 TANJAR 🏆
Perth Royal Show Display 2017 Our Babydoll Southdown's have been in the heritage display on view for the public along side the other amazing heritage breeds .Our black bottle lamb Jack attended the Perth Royal show Luv a Lamb display . Available for the public to bottle feed lambs thru out the week of the show .
Tanjar Ewe featured in the Kelmscott Local Paper
NABSSAR Calendar photo winner This photo was chosen to be in the annual We were June NORTH AMERICAN BABYDOLL SOUTHDOWN SHEEP ASSOCIATION & REGISTRY
Genstock Animal Breeding Centre 2017 Hillgrove Gus ASSBA /AABMGS was collected by Genstock .Storing valuable semen for years to come. 150 ewe doses were collected with 75 being sold to a Eastern States Stud.
Perth Royal Show Display 2016 Our Babydoll Southdown's have been in the heritage display on view for the public along side the other amazing heritage breeds .
Kelmscott Show 2016
Winner of Best Exhibit of the Show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Champion Babydoll Southdown ram 2016🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Babydoll Southdown ram 2016 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 1st British ram beating out some tough competion this year to secure the blue ribbon!
One of our Tanjar Babydoll lambs were chosen for the cover Kelmscott show 2016
Winner of Best Exhibit of the Show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Champion Babydoll Southdown Ewe 2015 🏆 TANJAR 🏆
Balingup Small Farm Field Day 2015 Dardanup Bull n Barrel Festival Display 2015 Tanjar Spot and friends attended the Heritage display at this years Field days along side the other heritage displays
Harvey Ag Show 2015
Winner of Best Exhibit of the Show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Champion Babydoll Southdown Ewe 2015 🏆 TANJAR 🏆
Perth Royal Show 2015 PERTH ROYAL SHOW 2015 CHAMPION RAM 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 CHAMPION EWE 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 BEST OF BREED 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 0233:RAM. Over 1½ years and under 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0234:RAM. Over 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans S236:CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S237:RESERVE CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns 0238:EWE. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0239:EWE. Over 1½ years and under 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0240:EWE. Over 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans S241:CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S242:RESERVE CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S245:BEST OF BREED - SOUTHDOWN - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns
Visit to Victoria 2014 Ram Purchase 2014 Saw us make the long Journey to Victoria to visit Murray and Judy of Hillgrove stud (Original owners after inheriting the stud from The Metcalf Family) We hand picked out a ram and spent a wonderful day with Murray and Judy looking over their wonderful stud.
Harvey Ag Show 2014 Champion Ewe 🏆 TANJAR 🏆
Kelmscott Show 2014
Winner of Best Exhibit of the Show 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Champion Babydoll Southdown ram 2016🏆 TANJAR 🏆 Babydoll Southdown ram 2016 🏆 TANJAR 🏆
Perth Royal Show 2014 0184:RAM. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0186:RAM. Over 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0187:RAM. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans S187:CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S187A:RESERVE CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns 0188:EWE. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans 0189:EWE. Over 1½ years and under 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans S190:CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S190A:RESERVE CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns 0191:BREEDER'S GROUP - ONE RAM AND TWO EWES. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans S192:BEST OF BREED - SOUTHDOWN - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns
Perth Royal Show 2013 PERTH ROYAL SHOW 2013 CHAMPION RAM 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 CHAMPION EWE 🏆 TANJAR🏆 BEST OF BREED 🏆 TANJAR 🏆 SOUTHDOWN 0275:NOVICE EWE. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Third- Sealey, P & Johnson K; PetTeet Park S279:CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S279A:RESERVE CHAMPION RAM - RAS Sash and Certificate.Sealey, P & Johnson K; PetTeet Park 0280:EWE. Under 1½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Third- Sealey, P & Johnson K; PetTeet Park 0281:EWE. Over 1½ years and under 2½ years.First- Sealey, P & Johnson K; PetTeet Park 0282:EWE. Over 2½ years.First- Tanjar Southdowns Deborah Royans Second- Sealey, P & Johnson K; PetTeet Park S282:CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S282A:RESERVE CHAMPION EWE - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns S284:BEST OF BREED - SOUTHDOWN - RAS Sash and Certificate.Tanjar Southdowns