When we first started looking for stud sheep that met with our look and size back in 2009 we found there were only a small number of breeders that had stock available for sale. We eventually purchased one ram and two ewes from Hillgrove Stud in Kyneton Victoria. At that time the stud was owned and managed by Murray & Judy Peart who still had the last of the flocks bred by the founding stud owners, the Metcalf family. James Metcalf of Hill borough farm founded his Southdown stud "Hillgrove" in 1921. He imported into Australia, from the United Kingdom, many fine examples of English Southdown's and, with his sons, had great success in the show ring. Our stock have been selected to have the same look and quality of the traditional 1930 to 1960 type of Southdown. Using the services of animal breeding center's such as Westbreed, Genstock and Allstock has allowed us to complete four successful Artificial Insemination programs. We have stored semen available for sale.
Recently had our rams tested for Gaucher disease and cold tolerance gene marker, The Gene-Marker Laboratory undertakes research in animal molecular genetics. Cold tolerance Score AA indicated they test at the lowest risk. The Cold Tolerance Gene-Marker Test results can be used to aid in the selection of sheep that are more likely to have cold-tolerant progeny. click on the link below to read about cold tolerance research.lincoln.ac.nz/resources/general/Cold-Tolerance-Gene-Marker-Test.pdf Gaucher disease Negative .Very important test to get negative in. Now able to offer our buyers even more peace of mind. click on the link below to read about Gaucher disease research.lincoln.ac.nz/resources/general/Gaucher-disease-gene-test.pdf
Hillgrove Ram bred by Murray and Judy Peart. Imported into WA from Victoria 2014. Reg Southdown ASSBA and Babydoll Southdown AABMGS, 57cm.
Homebred ram Combing the best of our genetics Registered Purebred Babydoll Southdown with AABMGS Measuring in at 49.5cm @18 months making him the smallest Purebred Babydoll ram we have ever seen. UPDATE First and Second crop of lambs were outstanding.
Homebred ram ASSBA/AABMGS Registered Purebred Babydoll Southdown with AABMGS First lambs have been above expectation
As we are constantly looking to diversify our Babydoll Bloodlines Adding valuable genetics to our ewe base bloodlines. Our imports from Tasmania
Looking for Genetic traits that match your breeding objectives ? Meat quality,soundness,conformation,Temperament,Fertility